Julia Child was first to arrive on the scene as a culinary entertainer, in my opinion. She was so interesting to watch and cared so deeply about every recipe she created. I most…
Giant Chocolate Chip Cookies are the favorite cookie of this house as of late. I’ve tinkered with this recipe from the original Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie recipe you’ll find on the…
Fresh Apple Cake with Brown Sugar Caramel Sauce is the most delicious cake I’ve ever eaten. In fact, this may be my MOST favorite recipe to date. I promise. Growing up, each fall when…
Sweet and salty Kettle Corn is our family’s number one, favorite snack. My husband grew up eating lots of popcorn and he’s passed down his love for it to the kids. A couple…
If you are a member of my family or have ever ridden along during harvest, you know about Tractor Trail Mix. I’m not usually one to post recipes that are THIS STINKIN’…
We’re going to have a bounty of pork to eat this fall and winter after recently taking a pig to the locker. I’ve asked some of my fellow Iowa Bloggers to help…
To some, the term “Freezer Corn” may sound like an odd combination. For me, growing up in an Iowa farm kitchen… freezer corn is not only a ‘thing’, it is also an…
This has got to be the #1 easiest recipe I’ve ever put out there for you all. Iowa Sweet Corn is the best thing going, if you ask me. This time of…
Cinnamon rolls could be considered my ‘best recipe’. They were the first contest I’d ever entered and the first contest I’d ever won ($500). Lucky me, I guess. This recipe has been…
By: Cristen Ground pork has seriously made its way into my kitchen. We’ve got plenty of it and I’m always trying to use it in different ways. The price is right and it…
One of the best parts about taking a road trip in the heart of the Midwest is seeing the beautiful barns along the roadsides. I’m starting a series of barn posts over the next…
We now interrupt your regularly scheduled swine-programming for a trip to work calves with Grandpa and Aunt T. It was a fun day. We didn’t get to help as much as the kids wanted…
My daughter attends a local preschool that I call a ‘country preschool’. It is out here near where we live and we have a lot of great families that attend. One of…