Today I’m taking you on a tour of our modern pig barns. Come on into my prep shed and grab a pair of coveralls and clean boots and we’ll be on our way.
We own hog finisher barns in central Iowa. Finisher barns are where pigs get ‘finished’, meaning they grow to reach market weight. Our particular barns are ‘grow-finish’ barns. We receive pigs, via semi-truck transport, from the nursery, at weights of around 50-60 pounds. They come to our cleaned, disinfected barns and we provide them specialized care and diets to ensure their growth and health until they reach market weight of 280 pounds.
Our modern barns allow us to raise pigs indoors. They have ventilation systems in place and skinny slats in the floors so the waste drops through, below to the manure storage pit. We use this manure to apply to our crop ground, giving the ground vital, stable and safe nutrients for the next year’s crop. The barns provide us a safe, climate controlled environment, free from predators and the unpredictable weather of our native state. When the weather gets hot, we have misters and fans that keep our pigs cool. When it is cold out the curtains close so winter’s chill stays outside and the pigs in the barn are comfortable and warm.
Special precautions are taken to keep the pigs in our barns healthy. We prevent germs from entering the barns by using disinfectant, wearing coveralls, boots that are only worn in the specific barn we are visiting and we shower before entering the barns and as we are leaving as well. We even have a dedicated washer and dryer in our garage to accommodate our work clothes.
My husband adjusted feeders in every pen to make sure the right amount of feed was coming out and cleaning out waterers by hand.
Feed is trucked in to each of the barns from local feedmills, and some farms grind their own feed at their own personal family mill. We maintain close relationships to the employees at the mill and our feed nutrition consultant (in our case, my husband) so we know the exact adjustments the pigs need in their diet to optimize their growth and comfort.
We treat pigs that come across illness with antibiotics as you would for your children if they are sick. They are a costly part of the operation, and are used with care. Pigs that receive antibiotics get moved to the ‘watch pen’ or ‘hospital pen’ where we monitor their health closely. If the pig is given antibiotics, strict withdrawal times are monitored. Keeping the pigs in the watch pens allows us to directly observe the pigs in need of extra care. Our treated pigs don’t leave the watch pen until the withdrawal period for the medicine that we gave them has passed. Pigs are not sent off the farm to market until the specific withdrawal period for the medicine that we had administered, has passed.
Once all of the pigs are loaded for market and the barn is empty, we begin power-washing and disinfecting the barns from top to bottom. It is an essential part of what we do, keeping a clean environment is important to the success of our farm and the health of the new pigs we’ll get in soon.
Note: This modern pig farm differs from our small show pig operation, where we house pigs outdoors as well as farrow (when sows have their piglets) indoors in farrowing crates and outdoors if necessary. We face some hardships in raising our hogs outdoors, from relentless Iowa predators to very extreme Iowa weather, and more. On my blog you’ll see some of the many different ways pigs can be raised and I’ll help you find answers to any questions you may have about pig farming.
Thanks for taking the barn tour with me! Head back over to the prep shed, leave your coveralls in the bin and boots on the trays. Wash up and disinfect before you go!
We take garbage bags with separate outfits of clean clothes for kids to wear. No coveralls to fit them just yet.
Sneaky Reader Giveaway! *GIVEAWAY HAS ENDED, CONGRATS TAMMY G. Thanks for reading to the very end, leave a blog post comment about ‘your favorite way to eat bacon’ and you’ll be entered to win $20 worth of pork certificates, bbq seasonings and sauce!
Good old fasioned Bacon and Eggs for me! lol Thanks for the tour!
Great post!
I LOVE BLTs with crispy bacon.
Cristen, your family’s dedication to education is what Iowa needs. I wish every person with a “stop factory farms” billboard in their yard was required to take this tour before putting up the sign. Let’s be honest, your commercial barn is cleaned and disinfected more than many homes. Keep up the good work.
What a fabulous post! You are helping us all understand your industry better with posts like this! Thanks!
This is a great (honest) look at the industry. Thanks for sharing. I like my bacon plain and crispy. Husband eats his all limp and pale, barely cooked.
Thanks for this post- we need more like it to support the pork industry! At my husband’s barns, we get the little pigs straight out of the farrowing units to raise to market weight. :) We just had BLT’s for supper tonight, and we both like our bacon EXTRA crispy!
BLTs! Or, just fried up, by the pound. :) And none of that yucky turkey bacon for me. :)
I’m still laughing from your comment about turkey bacon! :) XOXO
Bacon, eggs, and waffles! Thanks for the barn tour!
Cristen, I’ve decided you are related to the Herbold’s, I just can’t decide exactly how. I went through school, K-12 with Cathy. I loved her like the sister I never had and miss her still. Please catch me up on the family a little. I love your website and ALL the info you share. I found you while looking up info for the State Fair. Love your recipes and how special of you to share them with us! I LOVE MY BACON every way possible! For breakfast with pancakes, eggs, or waffles. For lunch in broccoli & cauliflower salad, & BLT’s. For supper, crumbled on my baked potato, in Calico Beans,& in any salad. I haven’t tried in cake or cookies yet, but I’m sure they are great too. OR JUST BY ITSELF!! Thanks again for sharing, Linda Pohlman Hilton.
Very good write up… I raise nursery pigs here on the east coast and I appreciate your “agvocacy.” Take care…
Great review on how pigs are raised. I grow nursery pigs here on the east coast and I appreciate you taking time to let folks know what we do! Thanks…
My first tour inside a modern pig barn! Thanks for sharing. (And my favorite way to eat bacon is anything my husband prepares with it- he is the master chef at our house!)
Very interesting tour of your barn and educational, too.!!
I love my bacon thick and EXTRA crispy….yummy..!!!
That was a very fun and interesting read! :)
I love bacon in almost any way, but frying it up for my potato soup or green beans are my two favorites!
On a blt with tomatoes fresh from my garden!!
Bacon!!!!!!!!!! There is NO wrong way to eat bacon! My favorite is fried crisp but not hard and then just fill my plate! :D
It’s a tie – fried up super crisp all by itself… Or chopped up and cooked hominy and tomatoes.
BLTS and Baked Potato Soup!
Bacon on sandwiches… with my tomatoes and lots of mayo!
What an interesting post! I had no idea the disinfecting protocols were that rigorous. Very cool.
My favorite bacon is the buckboard bacon my husband makes–and I love it on warm buttered toast with onions and sometimes a slice of swiss or provolone.
Bacon on my ham and cheese lettuce wrap for lunch!
Loved your virtual barn tour! My favorite way to eat bacon is definitely extra crispy!
A la carte! I like a crisp piece of bacon all by itself the best.
Bacon wrapped asparagus!! Baked or grilled.
Oh that little Barrett is just the cutest:)
Please deliver a giant BLT;)