Food & Swine

More Fair Fun & Showing Pigs

Today is a busy day at the Fair.  My daughter will be competing in “Create a Family Baking Legacy” sponsored by the Knop Family and Miss NiNi’s Fine Desserts.  She’s baking Red White and Blue Mini Pies (recipe coming after Fair is over!).  She gets to show everyone how she bakes during the class (I hope she doesn’t get nervous) and is very excited about that. We’ll be in the Elwell Center at Noon for that competition. Also, today we’ll be getting ready (among many other things) to take pigs in (tomorrow – Wednesday a.m.) for the Purebred show at the Iowa State Fair. If you happen to be at the Fair, come see us in the Swine barn.  My daughter and I have made some glittery signs (much to the dismay of my husband I’m sure) and they’ll be hanging up somehow. (She loves glitter, so does her Mama.) If you stop by and we are not there, you can message me or tweet me at @FoodSwineIowa or take a selfie at our pens and use the hashtag #foodandswineblog. I’d love to see you!

On the list of pigs headed to the Iowa State Fair tomorrow: (Wednesday they arrive, show on Friday)

Cookie Dough:


Big Foot:


Big Red Barn: (I couldn’t resist… this picture is very outdated (from 2 months ago) but look at those ears!)


Jackson: One of the 4 Orphans (search 4 Orphans in the upper right hand corner of my blog for his complete story of being raised in my garage.) Again, dated picture, this was from at least 2 months ago, maybe more)


Remember when he was just a little guy? This is the entry of my home.


I’ll never forget how excited the kids were to have those pigs on Christmas Day. (Talk about the greatest ‘unexpected’ gift for 2 kids on Christmas. We’ll never top that, not that I want to. Raising orphan pigs is very difficult.)


On another note, I’ve convinced my husband to leave “Sassy” home from Fair.  I’m planning to breed her this fall.  She’s my buddy too and I wanted to keep one gilt out of the legendary “Cinnamon”, who I purchased with money won from Cinnamon Roll contests.


Now, I need to buy a gilt (female pig who has not had babies) and name her “Danish” after the Cherry Red Raspberry Danish that won a few bucks and a nice blue ribbon last Thursday.


Sassy likes to eat my hair…


The kids like to ride bales of shavings with the most interesting choices of head gear: (see the stick pony at the bottom of the pic?)


Well I’m headed out for chores then back in to pack up for the day and my daughter’s baking contest.

On my list of ‘must eats’ today at the Fair:
Something from “The Rib Shack”.  I don’t care what it is, everything is delicious.
A cup of Watermelon from Beattie’s Watermelon Stand
A Peanut “Nut Roll” from the Nut Roll stands… cashews and pecans need not apply.

If my dear sister reads this… will you go with me to the “Shaved Ice” stand and get a Guava Peach shaved ice like we did 15 years ago?



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  • Reply robin August 14, 2014 at 12:18 am

    good luck with all your babies!

    • Reply Cristen August 15, 2014 at 10:17 am

      Thank you Robin!

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