Food & Swine

Stained Glass Pig


Easiest. Craft. Ever. I love simple projects that will catch the attention of kids of any age. These ‘stained glass’ pigs are made from 3 basic items: construction paper, tissue paper and contact paper. The construction paper is cut out into the desired shape, and then the inside of the shape is also cut, leaving a border.  Tissue paper is cut to small pieces and both are sandwiched between contact paper, then cut out.  My son and I will show you how we did it.  I’ve made hearts, crosses and Easter eggs as well!  The simpler the shape, the easier the project.  My favorite thing to do is tear up tissue paper.  I love to recycle old tissue paper from birthday and Christmas gifts and repurpose it in this fun craft.  Use an array of colorful cardstock or construction paper and any color of tissue paper you can get your hands on.  We even used some tissue paper poms leftover from little cousin K’s party a few months ago.

The pigs are my favorite, hearts a close second and perfect for Valentines day.  I hope to try Christmas trees.  (PS: symmetrical shapes are SO much easier!)  Start with the hearts if you want the easiest type of faux-stained glass project to begin with.  Thank you Adrienne teaching me this fun project!

Stained Glass Pig

My revelation of transparency today: I just came across this picture of my daughter and I before the Iowa State Fair Open Purebred Swine Show.  I literally laughed out loud because THAT hair and THAT makeup (me) lasted about 5 minutes in the barn once the show commenced. Showing makes me glowperspire, sweat like a hog and I needed to be sprayed down and that shirt is NEVER being worn on show day again!  It felt like I was wearing a garbage bag!  Don’t you hate that? Next year… cotton t-shirt + ponytail = better outcome.  (Yes, you’re right: Pigs don’t sweat.  But I still use that saying!)


Back to the craft!

Stained Glass Pig Supplies:

1 small roll of contact paper (you can find this anywhere, even at the grocery store sometimes!)
Construction paper
tissue paper of differing colors
Scissors to cut
Tape to hang

First, cut out 1 or 2 identical shapes.  (You can do 1 shape but know that on one side of the project you may see some tissue paper that sticks outside the lines and onto the outline of your shape.)

Peel back the liner of the contact paper and lay it sticky side up on the counter.  Place the cut out shape on the sticky side of the contact paper.
Now, snag your best helper and rip up the tissue paper into small bits and place them in the open area, on the sticky contact paper.
See how the tissue paper is on parts of the pig?  If you want to avoid this so the each side is perfect and there is no front or back, place the other side of the matching cutout over the first shape and tissue paper. Seal the entire project with a top layer of contact paper.  Press diligently.  Use a credit card or the back of your finger nail to smooth down very well.
Cut out around the shape, leaving 1/8th inch all the way around with construction paper.  You want it to stick together!  Hang, where the light can hit it!

Will someone come wash my windows?  I swear, the pond is a ways away and only 3 acres but I still get ‘sea spray’!

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  • Reply sandy September 9, 2014 at 10:24 pm

    Do you have a recipe for sticky pecan rolls?

    • Reply Cristen September 9, 2014 at 11:13 pm

      Sandy, yes I do… check your email, you’re the first non-family member to get it!

  • Reply ceil slings September 9, 2014 at 10:48 pm

    I would like one for my house

    • Reply Cristen September 9, 2014 at 11:12 pm

      I can do that Mom! Pig or horse? Wait, I know the answer already.

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