Some of the most meaningful photographs in my collection are the ones that were taken around our farm. I know so many people who have the exact same types of pictures and they are so underserved sitting in file folders, older photo albums or on an SD card in a drawer. I want to provide a platform for the weekly sharing of snapshots of the most treasured moments of our rich agricultural heritage. I definitely cannot do this without the help of my family, friends and followers. Here are my ideas and I hope as time goes along we can get some bigger prizes involved for random winners for submitting a piece of their history.
Note: I’m no photographer, trust me. The meaningfulness behind the photos you submit is the real beauty to me.
(And you just might learn something while you go through some of these pictures. This tractor above is still one of the most utilized pieces of machinery on my parents’ farm. My Grandpa Rodger, that I never got the chance of meeting because he passed away 12 years before I was born, purchased this Farmall 560 new in 1962. It is a beaut and has more meaning than any shiny new tractor we’ll ever come across.)
THEME: Each week I’ll select a theme for the photographs. The themes will be very broad and are open to your own creative thinking. For example: tomorrow Friday March 21st the theme is: FAMILY. (Could be photos of many generations of farmers, Grandma and grandchild in the kitchen, a beloved ‘family’ dog, a pig with her piglets… see what I mean? The parameters are VERY loose. (Future themes include: PIGS, SPRING, HORSES, SHOW KIDS… the list goes on!) If you have any suggestions for themes, please submit them to *The theme does not have to be followed, it is merely to help guide my weekly post and give you a touch of inspiration.
Above: Harvest 2013, showing the little ones how full the hopper was.
SUBMISSION: Share your selected photo with brief description each week directly on my Food & Swine Facebook wall. If you can, include the hashtag #farmpicfriday. There is a box in the right hand corner of the Facebook page that says: “Recent Posts By Others” where you can go and view the photos of everyone else who submits! I’ve got a special gift for the person who gets the most likes or re-shares of their picture by others on Facebook. (I’ll keep track, I promise!) And the prize… it is a secret but it has to do with FOOD of course! (*I will randomly pick one winner and arrange prize delivery/shipping.)
*Hint, you can like our Facebook page on the top right corner of my blog here. Thank ya!
HASHTAG: Yes, you can also submit your photos on Twitter using the hashtag #farmpicfriday when submitting your photo. I’d love to get a big farm following on Twitter, that’d be so sweet! See my Twitter page Food_and_Swine.
FARM PIC FRIDAY WEEKLY BLOG POST: Each week I’ll select a handful of photographs to feature on my blog (the following Friday so I have time to work on the post) which may require getting in touch with the people who have submitted each photo for a brief back story on the picture.
I’ll be forever in debt to you for your help in getting this idea off the ground. I want you to feel free to post any farm photograph you like. Now, I’ll leave you with a few pictures of my own for inspiration.
Here’s a little pond-side chat from a few years ago.
Fall 2011 helping Grandpa after we took dinner to the field.
With her cattle showing buddies the day of her first pig show. She was so glad to see them and so happy they came to watch her.
The interview portion of the show… it was so adorable! She was 3 years old and to the judges question of ‘what are your parent’s names?’ she answered: “Mommy and Daddy”.
I love this picture of my sister from a LONG time ago with my favorite Barn Kitty “Oscar”.
We love our friend Jodi who lets us ride her daughter’s horse, Jazz. The joy on their faces (yes both of them) is priceless.
Knee high by June 15th?
This is one of the more shocking photos I’ve ever come across. This is the actual farmstead that my Great Great and even before that Greats lived in Holland. I love the history behind some pictures. I hope to visit this farm one day.
First show… coming down the alley and my husband says “go on ahead honey”. I’ll never forget that.
The love of this little pony is not measurable.
Beautiful photos!
Thank you! :)