
#WPX15 & Summer!

This past week has been a total blur. The first two days we bid a fond farewell to my daughter’s kindergarten school year (and amazingly I didn’t cry like a baby for the first time). Believe me, I wanted to. A few times. She’s grown up so much since this picture from her kindergarten ’round up’ day back in August.
She had the most wonderful teacher, loved meeting new friends, and was given the “Superstar Friend Award” because she is quick to befriend anyone in need of a friend. She was so happy to give her teacher flowers and a balloon. We’re busy planning her “Teacher’s Dinner” where she gets to invite her teacher over, pick the menu and serve her dinner. She can’t wait. (neither can her little brother, who is equally in love with Mrs. H.) So far on the menu: beef and noodles, mashed potatoes and corn. She’s taking this dinner service very seriously!
See this little toothless wonder? We were at her all-school park date. She wanted to bring her glove to play catch. We did finally get to play once we found the little dude that was borrowing her glove. And by borrowing… well, I mean, keeping forever.
After all of the school festivities came to a close (maybe about 5 minutes after) we began to round up supplies and tack (equipment we’d need to take to the World Pork Expo pig show). I feel like summer is going to be one big blur, with so many things going on… time evaporates. Wilbur made the trip and was able to be shown, despite his injury a few days earlier. He made a nice turn around… but it wouldn’t have happened without the care from his Superstar Friend. Is he seriously smiling for this picture?
Wilbur the Pig
Soon enough, we were moved in and it was time for the show.
WPX Show Day
We left the boars (intact male pigs) to be shown by my husband and our good friend Joe. Leaving that part to those guys left me happy, and less sweaty. It was SO hot outside!
Never far behind is my daughter, who didn’t want to be left out of ANYTHING. She doesn’t get to be in the ring with the boars when they show at a bigger show like this. The boars can get in a fight and you never want a child in the middle of that. (Or anyone for that matter!)
She got plenty of time in, showing the girls.
Our goals of the day were to: 1. Have fun.
WPX Gilt Show
2. Make a new friend or two.  That was easy enough.
(I finally met this cool family! Trent from Loos Tales and I have been twitter farm-buds for a bit now! We just recorded his radio show together, today!)
I even got in on a little of the show day action… though in this picture, I appear to be totally spacing OFF!
I ran a caption contest for this photo on my Facebook page, and the winning caption (voted by my followers) was:
“Was that Chris Soules?” (congrats Jim H.!)
Thanks guys.
WPX Show
He wasn’t at the show, but I did see him earlier in the week. He was representing pig farmers with my friends Thomas Titus and Erin Brenneman at a panel for #realpigfarming regarding transparency and having our ‘barn doors open’ to share the story of raising pigs in modern day production.
L to R: Claire, me, Erin, Peggy and Thomas. Peggy’s husband Brad moderated the panel. Very cool!
Of course, ‘the bach’ HAD to have his picture with me… okay Chris, okay! In reality, this guy is a peach and ag is lucky to have him sharing his farm story to his fans. Really lucky.
WPX Chris Soules
#WPX15 was the perfect kickoff to the summer spending time with my husband and the kids, seeing friends we don’t get to very often and… I even found a beer I can tolerate! (Thanks Joe, sangria next time-Mike says!)
WPX Beers!
I just want to make a special mention to Claire, my #realpigfarming pal… thank you for sending your golf cart for me so I didn’t have to carry 50 lbs. of feed across the fairgrounds! You saved the day! And next time I’ll remember my exhibitor parking pass.
Isn’t she adorable?!
WPX Claire
Until next time…
It is a hot one outside today, 95 degrees at my last check. Keep tabs on your pets and livestock and for heaven’s sakes, find a POOL!

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  • Reply Val - Corn, Beans, Pigs and Kids June 10, 2015 at 3:35 am

    Love your caption winner and that you got to meet Trent Loos!

    • Reply Cristen June 11, 2015 at 3:58 am

      Hey Val! I have gotten more comments on people being jealous of me meeting Trent Loos (and none about meeting Chris Soules, funny, right?). Trent is a celeb, and his family is WONDERFUL! I hope we get to see each other soon… I’m living vicariously through your ICE CREAM ADVENTURE!

  • Reply Alicia Schmitt June 10, 2015 at 6:18 pm

    Aww What a great tribute to the World Pork Expo! :) glad I got to see you again!

    • Reply Cristen June 11, 2015 at 3:57 am

      It was so wonderful to meet your family too! I hope our paths cross again, soon! XOXO

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