Last weekend I got to throw a party for the arrival my beautiful new niece. She is so special to me and I just can’t get enough of her.
The recipe I want to share with you was one that was quite easy and went over VERY well… as well as the delightful Cream Cheese Mints and maybe even better!
Pretty Oreo Pops are little, magical, pop-able bites of sweet sugary heaven! They are full of customization options but the way we made them was perfect for the party! Basically it is 2 Double Stuf Oreos with one cookie removed from each, a bit of melted almond bark on a popsicle stick and some buttercream frosting. So cute, perfect for showers or birthday parties and can totally be made ahead!
I wish I could tell you exactly how many this recipe makes but we had lots of ‘helpers’ around for the party and they ate them up before we could count. (There’s a pic on here I could count to be scientific.)
Here are some pictures from the party and the full recipe is at the end of the post.
My sister and her pretty little baby girl!
Decorating was so fun!
Flowers are my favorite! I’m so glad canning jars are in style!
I love arranging pink flowers. These roses smelled divine.
Baby’s breath… how fitting. (Can’t forget a little basketball décor.)
She’s a beaut… (just like her Aunt, right?) Ha!
Here are those amazing little pops. On deck next to the star of the show and the evening… the Cream Cheese Mints.
They are adorable!
Pretty Oreo Party Pops
by Cristen
2 packages of Double Stuf Oreos (traditional flavor, or vanilla flavor), one cookie removed (these don’t have to go to waste of course: fill them with remaining buttercream or grind them in food processor for a quick and easy ‘crust’ base for a pie)
1 package white almond bark, melted and warmth maintained by suspending over a bowl of hot water.
1 package of popsicle sticks
1 batch of American Buttercream Frosting (see below)
2 TBSP sparkling sugar crystals
Remove cookie tops of Oreos. Take 2 Oreos with filling, place popsicle stick tip into almond bark 1/2″, remove and shake excess. Place on top of 1 Oreo’s filling, place other Oreo on top, frosting to frosting with cookies on outside. Set aside to cool almond bark. When set, dip whole cookie in almond bark, shake excess and set on wax paper to cool completely. Pipe frosting on decoratively and sprinkle sparkling sugar on immediately after piping. Let set out at room temperature until frosting stiffens. Chill if desired. Will keep at room temperature for 2 days or in the refrigerator for 4 days in an airtight container. (*for party we bought a half sphere of florist foam, covered it in foil and suspended it in a footed fruit bowl then poked the pops in there for serving.)
American Buttercream Frosting:
4 C powdered sugar
1 C butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
small pinch of salt
red food coloring (one drop at a time until final desired shade is reached)
Combine all in mixing bowl. Beat until well mixed and fluffy. Use immediately.
1 Comment
She is such an adorable munchkin, and those cake pops look amazing. Thanks for sharing!