Food & Swine

Glorious Pigs

Pigs… glorious pigs!
Here are some of my favorite photos of the kids and their best friends.


Mike and Halle always love to be at the barn together.  Barrett is slowly catching on.


Barrett letting a boar get away… he’ll get used to those boots someday!

She loves to practice showing, even if the participants are not as interested.  $7 show whips ROCK.


Here is our daughter pushing a Yorkshire boar around the alley at the Iowa State Fair.  She was showing him to a guy who ended up buying him in the sale.


That’s the sale ring… this is one of Mike’s favorite pictures.


Ahhhh the excitement we feel when we take baby pigs to preschool!


Cinnamon, our new BFF… who is expecting some cute little red pigs in February!  (ON Valentine’s Day!)  For those of you who know me I LOVE red things… pigs, KitchenAid Candy Apple Red Mixers, clothing, Christmas tree décor, boots, purses, the list goes on.  Adorable little Duroc piglets is going to top the list.  There will be LOTS of pictures.  Lots.


A little Christmas greeting for you!  Tonight we head out with the Clark family for a big night at the base as Santa rolls in on a cargo plane and brings the children presents!  I’m always happy to meet the people that have worked with my father-in-law, he’s a pretty neat guy!


His son is pretty neat too!  He is never happier than he is with his family in the barn.


*Shining up the ‘important’ part of the boar is a priority!

Enjoy your weekend!


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