Last Friday I attended and was privileged to speak at “Grow: by Future FarmHer”. It was lovely to connect with young women (this sold out event catered to ladies interested in agriculture, from ages 19-23) and learned quite a bit myself, from a host of very influential women. I was lucky to speak during the luncheon and then sat on a blogger panel with Crystal from Crystal Cattle and Shannon from The Field Position and Enchanted Acres, where we talked about blogging and how we became ‘ag-vocates’.
My biggest take away from the event is that we all need to be surrounded by ‘our people’ every once in a while. It was so reassuring to meet and visit with some of the most impressive young ladies I have ever met (ag or not). The future is bright, especially in agriculture, with these young women in the mix. It was such an exciting day, and every event like this gives me new energy and direction.
Hard and fast, my story of ag-vocacy springing itself upon me, often throws people for a loop. Because, you see… I didn’t set out to be an ag-blogger, I set out to be a food blogger, to share recipes. However, in my quest to share more with my readers, each recipe post was accompanied by some story about my family or farming. Then one day, a mere acquaintance (now a great friend) dubbed me an ‘ag-vocate. Thanks, Claire.
Through efforts with the Iowa Food and Family Project, and the other supportive commodity groups in Iowa, farmers like me can share our story with people that are genuinely interested in hearing it: the same people I shop side by side with at the grocery store, purchasing the same foods I’m feeding my family as well. The young ladies at this event are the next generation of ag-communicators. They are vital in the solution to keep farmers farming, and food safe and affordable. They will help familiarize their generation with modern farming, even though some of their peers will have never stepped foot on a farm before.
But as I told them:
“I believe in you, and I’m here for you.”
And I meant it. Sincerely.
The Grow event, really brought my quest to show farming in its true, honest and humble light to fruition. The best part of the day: I know that the attendees (young ladies) will be there to mentor and coach my daughter when it is her turn to join the conversation.
And I know she’ll be in great hands.
Because her Mom is there for the girls that are making the step forward right now. Nuturing the next generation of anything is critical, we know, but the best part: who I get to do this with. (My people.)
Have you took time to ask yourself lately:
Who are your people?
Figure it out. Find them. Spend more time with them.
A big thanks to Marji and Lexi at FarmHer for believing in and trusting me enough to place me on a stage in front of lots of people, it was unbelievable.
Food & Swine
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