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  • Food & Swine

    Pumpkin Caramel Pecan Rolls

    As promised!  The sticky-roll version of pumpkin cinnamon rolls.  These were the favorite of my Dad.  I snuck him a warm roll up into the combine and he took a mini-break to…

  • Food & Swine

    Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

    I have been nipped by the ‘baking bug’ as I’ve spent quite a bit of my time recently with my family, helping bring the crops in for Harvest 2014.  Time in the…

  • Food & Swine

    rising time

    Since starting this blog that has featured quite a bit of baking and recipes for various ‘oven products’ I tend to get quite a few questions about baking.  My main interest and…

  • Food & Swine

    Homemade Pizza Dough

    If you want to get your children in the kitchen with you, this homemade pizza dough recipe is great. This dough gets an A+ in the ease of preparation department and I…