Food & Swine

Little Snuggly Pigs


We made a quick trip to the barn to see the little pigs tonight.  I can’t believe how big they are getting.  Cinnamon’s little red pigs are really big and thick with tons of bone.  I just love their look.  I still can’t get over their resemblance to sweet little puppy dogs.  I made my husband bring out my favorite gilt from Cinnamon’s litter.  There are two (female) ‘rips’ in the bunch and one is my buddy.  I chose to name her “Sassy”.


She’s snuggly and sweet.


Loves him too.


Oh, those ears!  She was very interested in what the dog was doing (playing fetch).


She likes to lay her chin on my shoulder and snuggle in my hair. No squealing or nonsense… just snuggling.  This will have to end in the coming weeks, she’ll get too big of course!


My mother-in-love and I are the owners of Cinnamon (who we purchased from John and Ruth Huinker at Huinker Durocs) and her babies to Red Sensation who stands at Lean Value Sires. So, naturally I should have consulted her before making any ‘naming decisions’ (sure we could call her 2-2 because that’s her litter # and ear notch but when you have kids, that is no fun!).  I became painfully aware of my barn rank this evening when my 5 year old daughter read me the riot act for naming this little gilt Sassy and not “Fudge” which was what her intention was.  Apparently we have to name all of the pigs after baking ingredients or items in the kitchen.  These naming suggestions come as no surprise to me because we’re making Kid’s Chocolate Cake for her preschool this Friday.  So… meet “Cocoa”, who is my daughter’s favorite smaller snuggly pig out of Oink’s litter.


We can’t wait until the snow is gone and we’re in shorts!


With Sassy… er, I mean “Fudge”.  Sorry.  And yes, she’s a big girl, this I know.  She’s about 16 days old and over 16 #.


We had an interesting evening at the doctor’s office.  The kids were feeling rotten and the only way to get them to GO to the doctor was to bait them with seeing pigs.  Hey, whatever works!  Poor Barrett was so off, he stayed in the car during the visit with the pigs.

Tonight I’m working on the detailed schedule for my upcoming baking class for Blue Ribbon Bakers.  After a basic Breads 101 mini-class we will be making Ballpark Style Pretzels in different flavors with different dipping sauces and Fancy Stuffed Braided Breads. As usual, I’m trying to get 8 hours worth of material into 3 hours. This is where the fun begins.  Goodnight to all of you, and seriously… thanks for reading this blog.

Hogs and Kisses to you and yours,


PS: I just want everyone to know we had to go to the doc’s in chore clothes/boots.  Our M.D. of the night at Doctors Now happened to grow up on a farm so when I pre-apologized for our ‘piggy odor’ she gladly smiled and said it reminded of her youth.  All it reminds me of is LAUNDRY.  I took this photo because I thought my camera had broken (it had a tough day).  I ended up liking it.  Score.


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